3 Reasons You Need To Hire An Experienced Fixer While Filming in Nepal

  • by Admin
  • Jul 10, 2022

Nepal film Production (NFP) is a leading and professional Kathmandu based Film Production Company in Nepal servicing since 2014. So here from our experiences, we’ve listed the top 3 reasons you need to hire an experienced fixer while filming in Nepal.

Fixer Will Initiate Pre-Production And Overall Research 

Having a Fixer for research and finding profiles with preparation in advance is crucial considering the pre-production phase of every production in general.

A Fixer will have all the necessary work done in advance considering finding and interacting with necessary profiles; so that production time is saved while you are here filming in Nepal.

Filming in Nepal can create random and major obstacles that might emerge without expecting it, and that’s when a fixer can manage and prepare all necessary tasks in advance for the betterment and success of your filming project in Nepal.

hire fixer in nepal

Fixer Will Acquire All Necessary Filming Permits For Your Filming Project in Nepal

While filming in Nepal it is crucial to have National Filming Permits in coordination with the Ministry of Information & Communication or any other relevant ministries so, therefore, a registered filming company is needed for filming in Nepal which fixers generally have while filming in Nepal.

The appointed fixer will also coordinate and take liability for your filming project in Nepal. They will coordinate with the liaison officer and also the Ministry of Information & Communication for confirming the filming locations with the Ministry.

Fixer has multiple responsibilities even after your filming production is completed, such as he/she would be responsible for giving the raw footage of your filming project to the Ministry of Information & Communication which is a government based protocol.

A good and experienced Fixer has excellent relationships with all the relevant ministries and knows all the rules & regulations of his/her mind.

Fixer Will Manage All Logistics in Nepal While Filming

While filming in Nepal, general management can be an issue in terms of acting as a fixer or a local producer.

Coordination with relevant locations and its administrations should be a must for all fixers while filming in Nepal in general.

Logistics can be a big issue is all matters are not prepared in advance in terms of filming locations and filming logistics in general.

Having a Fixer is necessary in terms of filming in general in Nepal for many reasons such as; first coordination with relevant locations and overall production management is crucial in any production around the world. Secondly, it is legally required for a Fixer or Production Manager to be liable for all filming matters for your production in general.

A good Fixer will be very punctual and will be multilingual with many relevant talents which will assure a smooth production in general while you are filming your project in Nepal.

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